Contact the Emotional Health Cognitive Behavior Therapy Clinic at the following:

Emotional Health CBT Clinic
Queen Elizabeth Health Complex, Suite 261
2100 Marlowe ave.
Montreal, QC H4A 3L5

Close to Sherbrooke W. & Decarie. A two-minute walk from the Vendôme metro station.
Click on the “Directions” link in the map for more information on how to get to the Queen Elizabeth Health Complex

Only Dr. Luisa Cameli, Clinic Director, and our administrative team, have access to this e-mail account. The information shared is confidential within these boundaries. E-mail correspondence is usually treated within 2 business days. If you may be reached back by phone, we encourage you to include your contact information in your message.

Phone: (514) 485-7772
Fax: (514) 485-7787

You may leave a message at any time. Please clearly and slowly state your name and phone number. If possible, indicate a time when you will be reachable and if it is ok for us to leave you a message. Calls are generally returned within 2 business days. To speak directly to our Administrative Team, please call Monday to Friday between 9:00 am and 4:00 pm.

We hope to have the opportunity to serve you by phone, online or in person very soon!