Through a New Lens: Art-Based Stress Management and Self-Care Group

Is stress preventing you from enjoying your everyday life? Do you tend to feel guilty about taking time for yourself?

Join this new group and learn ways to better manage and cope with stress, through a CBT and art-based Read more

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Using creativity for wellness

As an art therapist for about 8 years and intern at the CBT clinic, creativity is a special topic of interest for me! I noticed when I stop having regular creative practice of some sort, I feel it in Read more

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Self-Care types for a more balanced life

“Self-care is the practice of individuals looking after their own health” (Global Self-Care Federation).

In the literature, authors found that different types of self-care exist. There are many dimensions of Self-care! Here are a few types : physical, emotional, Read more

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Effective Communication Strategies

Effective communication is an integral part of all relationships, whether they be professional, romantic or friendly. Oftentimes, disagreements, frustrations or ruptures in these relationships happen due to miscommunication. Communication styles can differ based on a number of factors, including Read more

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The benefits of opting for an intern therapist

The Emotional Health CBT Clinic proudly collaborates with Canadian Universities such as McGill University, Concordia University, UQAM, Yorkville University, etc. to offer specialized training in CBT to graduate students in Clinical Psychology or Counselling, and to practicing therapists who Read more

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Dépression et dysthymie

SymptômesÉtat dépressif (tristesse et désespoir) durant la majeure partie de la journéePerte d’intérêt/plaisir envers le travail, les loisirs, les gens ou les relations sexuellesChangements d’appétit et/ou de poidsChangements dans les habitudes du sommeil... Read more
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Depression and Dysthymia

Depressed mood for much of the day Decrease in interest or pleasure Changes in appetite and/or weight Changes in sleep patterns Read more
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Generalized Anxiety

Excessive anxiety and worry, more days than not for at least six months, about a number of events or activities. The person finds it Read more
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Dr. Michael Spevack Memorial Lecture Series

The Emotional Health CBT Clinic is proud to present our Dr. Micheal Spevack Memorial Lecture Series, taking place each year in the Fall. We present a video lecture on a different mental health topic every week during the series, Read more

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Social Anxiety

Fear of humiliation or embarrassment in one or more social situations. Exposure to the feared situation almost always provokes anxiety Read more
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