We treat ADULTS over the age of 18.
Please note that we do not treat any child or teen clients under the age of 18 at our clinic.
Appointments are available during the DAY and EVENING.
Services are available in ENGLISH and in FRENCH.
Most clients are referred by their physician, but a referral is not necessary.
For problems treated, please visit our “CBT and the Problems We Treat” section. In brief, we provide treatment for the full spectrum of anxiety and mood disorders, OCD, PTSD, as well as for low self-esteem, anger, relational difficulties, grief and infertility, and sleep disorders. We do NOT treat alcohol or drug addictions, and we do not treat personality disorders.
Making the First Contact
Ms. Caitlin Miller, our Clinic Receptionist, is responsible for the initial contact with clients. You can reach her at (514) 485-7772 or by e-mail at info@cbtclinic.ca
Caitlin is available to answer the phone on Mondays from 9am-1pm and Tuesdays to Thursdays from 12pm-4pm every week. You can also leave us a voicemail outside of these hours and Caitlin will call you back within 1 business day.
Emails are returned within the same business day if they are received between 9am and 4pm. If they are received in the evening, on the weekend, or on a holiday, they will be returned the next business day.
Determining the Fee
Our mission is to provide quality services. The fee for service is based on the level of expertise of the therapist, and ranges from $155 for a supervised therapist to $190 for a licensed therapist. For evening appointments (after 5:00 pm), a convenience fee of $20 is added to the cost.
If you have an insurance plan, our services may be covered. In general, 30-80% of the fees are covered, to a yearly maximum of $500 to $1,000, depending on the company and the plan. Check with your company’s group benefits administrator or your insurance provider for coverage details. We will gladly provide you the necessary receipts.
The Evaluation Process
Before beginning therapy, it is necessary for to schedule an appointment for an evaluation. The goal of the evaluation is to identify your needs and to determine which one of our therapists would be the best suited to helping you.
The evaluation is done through questionnaires and a meeting with a psychologist. Since we are a teaching clinic, interns in psychology, counselling, or psychiatry, may be present with your consent. The cost of the evaluation is $190.
Please note that, if you are open to being treated by one of our intern therapists (who are supervised by licensed psychologists, as indicated on their receipts), you can be assigned within 2-3 weeks following your evaluation. If you only want to be seen by a licensed therapist, the wait time will likley be longer.
Your therapist will be pleased to verbally share the results of your evaluation with you in the first therapy session. However, please note that the evaluation is part of the therapy process. We do not provide a written report or offer psychological evaluation services per se.
Initially, the goal is to gain a clear understanding of the target problem and its maintaining factors. We often work to increase your awareness of your thoughts, your behaviors, and your moods, and how these interact. Each week, you may be asked to keep a record of your thoughts and/or of your symptoms.
You then begin to learn some cognitive and behavioral strategies, selected based on your needs and goals, and are asked to put these into practice during the week. Your therapist’s role is to provide expert guidance, support and encouragement.
Once the treatment goal(s) have been reached, your therapist may suggest scheduling one or two monthly sessions, to ensure that gains are maintained.
Your records are kept in a safe place that ensures confidentiality. Only our clinic director, Dr. Luisa Cameli, and your therapist may access your record, unless you provide us with written permission to share information with another professional or third party, unless subpoenaed, or unless there is a clear threat to safety. The person responsible for the protection of personal data at our clinic is the Director, Dr. Luisa Cameli. Her contact email is: dr.cameli@cbtclinic.ca
Online or Phone Therapy
In considering online or phone therapy, many questions may come to mind:
Does it work? Is it as effective as in-person therapy?
Based on current research, yes. Studies so far have provided evidence that videoconference psychotherapy is as effective as in-person psychotherapy. We pride ourselves on using evidence-based techniques, and this is why we are confident in the use of videoconference psychotherapy and are happy to be able to provide this option to our clients.
Is it safe? How is confidentiality ensured?
Ensuring confidentiality is a shared responsibility between you and your therapist.
Factors that increase security for the sessions are:
-Using a private wi-fi network only (e.g., the one you have at home that has a password associated with it)
-Being in a place where no one can hear you. Some ways to ensure this are placing a noise machine inside or outside of your door or using an app on your cell phone for that purpose, and always using headphones.
-The platform being used is of course also important. If you have any concern at all about this, please discuss it with your therapist or the clinic director.
What are the benefits of videoconference therapy (versus in-person therapy)?
-Avoids possible pandemic-related risk factors
What are the risks (versus in-person therapy)?
-Potential distractions
-Care must be taken to ensure confidentiality
-Potential technical issues
The decision to receive videoconference therapy and the parameters surrounding that therapy (such as choice of platform, etc.) are something that you can feel comfortable discussing with your therapist. They will be happy to provide you with answers to all your questions, make sure that you feel at ease, and ensure that you are receiving the treatment that is right for you.