Our Team

Founder  / Our Team

Every therapist holds a Graduate Degree, either an M.A. or M.Ed. and/or a Ph.D. or Ed.D., and is a member in good standing of a professional order such as the Order of Psychologists of Quebec (OPQ), Order of Psychoeducators of Quebec (OPPQ), or the Order of Counselors of Quebec (OCCOPPQ).

While each team member brings unique talent and expertise to our team, every cognitive-behavior therapist is knowledgeable and experienced in treating the problems presented in the Treatment page.

Below is a list of current staff members.

Dr. Luisa Cameli, Ph.D. – Director of the Clinic and Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychology of McGill University
Ruby Clark – Clinic Administrator
Caitlin Miller – Clinic Receptionist


Luisa Cameli, Ph.D.
Michael Enright, M.Ed.
Susan Freitag, M.A.
Debra Gartenberg, M.A.
Shahrzad Irannejad, Ph.D.
Daria Andrzejewska, M.A.
Esther Yakobov, Ph.D.
Maïté Petit, M.A.
Clélie Bigo, M.A.
Sarah Shortridge, Ph.D.
Maria Riccardi, M.A., M.Ed.
Narod Odabasiyan, M.Ed.
Simona Efanov, Psy.D.
Vera Heller, Ph.D.
Martha Giraldo O’Meara, Ph.D.


Gabrielle Gingras, UQÀM
Una Jojich-White, Yorkville University
Amanda Sevy, McGill University
Annick Nestruck-Beaupré, Yorkville University
Mahneet Jawanda, The Chicago School of Professional Psychology
Vasiliki Giannopoulos, Yorkville University
Caitlin Miller, Yorkville University
Maria-Louisa Di Rienzo, Yorkville University
Mia Hébert, UQÀM
Amanda Simundic, McGill University