At the Emotional Health CBT Clinic, we take the time to
fully evaluate your needs and to get to know you BEFORE you are assigned to a
therapist. This is done through an online session with a licensed CBT therapist
and questionnaires.
This way we can first confirm that CBT is very likely to
help you reach your therapy goals. We recognize that therapy is an investment
in yourself and we want you to be successful in your therapy! This also allows
us to assign you to a therapist that will be a good match in terms of
experience, style and approach, and who would be the best suited to helping
Caitlin Miller
Ruby Clark
Office Administrator
OUR PHONE HOURS WHEN YOU CAN SPEAK DIRECTLY TO CAITLIN ARE: Mondays 9 am - 1 pm and from 2 pm to 4 pm Tuesdays 11 am - 4 pm Wednesdays 11 am - 4 pm Thursdays 11 am - 4 pm
At any time: You can call or email us and we respond within 24 hours (on
business days).
Our regular therapy services are
from Mondays to Fridays 9 am to 5 pm Evening appointments
available upon request.
The goal of the online evaluation is to identify your needs
and to determine who amongst our 18 therapists is best suited to help you.
Since we are a teaching clinic, interns may be present with your consent only. The cost of the evaluation
is $190.
As soon as your evaluation is done and you have completed our forms, you will be assigned to your therapist. Generally, you can expect to be contacted by your assigned therapist within a week to 10 days at the most to schedule your first therapy appointment.
However, if your preference is for in-person sessions with a licensed therapist and/or your needs or availability are very specific (e.g., an OCD expert for in-person evening appointments), the time could be longer. Rest assured that we will keep you updated and do everything we can to ensure your full satisfaction.
If you choose to be treated by an intern therapist (supervised by a licensed psychologist or psychotherapist, as indicated on their receipts), you can generally be assigned more quickly and benefit from a lower fee ($155 vs. $190 for a licensed therapist).
If you have more questions, please see our list of FAQ (lien)
Anxiety and Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) Are worries taking over your life? Do you feel irritable,
fatigued, restless, or tense? Would you like to learn how to manage anxiety so
you can stop worrying and start living?
Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) is a scientifically
proven therapeutic method that can help those struggling with anxiety by
changing the thoughts and behaviours involved in anxiety in order to decrease
worry, as well as to promote healthy thinking patterns, greater emotional
wellness and resilience.
Depression and Dysthymia Have you lost interest in things you used to enjoy and
experience less pleasure? Do you view yourself, others and the world, in a
negative light? Do you struggle with feelings of fatigue and worthlessness, or
sometimes hopelessness?
Depression, and its milder but more chronic version, Dysthymia,
are both very common issues that up to one in four women, and one in eight men,
will suffer from at some point in their lives. However, there is hope; Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) can help. CBT is an evidence-based
treatment that is proven to help those struggling with Depression and Dysthymia
by changing the thoughts and behaviours that maintain depression in order to lift
mood, promote healthy thinking patterns and enhance emotional wellness and
Are panic attacks interfering with your life? Do you avoid
places and situations where you feel you may have a panic attack? Do you spend
your time scanning your body for signs of an impending panic attack?
Panic attacks and agoraphobia are common and can affect
people at any stage of life. While the symptoms and fear can be very
distressing, they are treatable. Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) is a
scientifically proven therapeutic method that can help those struggling with
panic and agoraphobia by changing the thoughts and behaviours that maintain the
fear and panic. This allows for a decrease in their frequency and intensity,
such that eventually panic is no longer a preoccupation and you can fully engage
back into your life.
Do social situations make you fearful and cause you
discomfort? Do you dread or avoid them for fear of embarrassment or
Social anxiety can manifest in many ways, such as a fear of
public speaking, but can also hinder sufferers in diverse social situations and
prevent them from leading the life they want.
Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) is a scientifically
proven therapeutic method that can help those struggling with social anxiety by
changing the thoughts and behaviours that maintain the anxiety in order to make
social situations more enjoyable and promote greater emotional wellness.
Are obsessions and/or rituals disrupting your life? Are
intrusive thoughts causing you distress, shame or anxiety?
Are there certain
things that you cannot do because of your OCD?
Living with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) can be very
challenging, but the good news is that Cognitive behavioural therapy, or CBT,
is a scientifically proven therapeutic method that can help those struggling
with OCD through exposure and response prevention (ERP) to help reduce the
anxiety and distress associated with OCD and also liberate OCD-sufferers from
their compulsions.
Is a feared object, animal, or situation interfering with
your life? Do you find yourself avoiding activities or situations out of fear
that you’ll encounter the source of your phobia?
Whatever the object of your phobia, be it an animal, insect,
situation, or place, Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) is a scientifically
proven therapeutic method that can help those struggling with phobias through
progressive exposure, designed and implemented collaboratively with you, so
that being in the presence of the object (or situation or place) no longer
elicits anxiety.
Are flashbacks or nightmares related to a traumatic event
disrupting your functioning? Are your trauma triggers preventing you from
enjoying your life?
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, or PTSD, can be a very
difficult issue for those who live with it. However, the good news is that
Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) can help. CBT is a scientifically proven
therapeutic method that can help those struggling with PTSD by changing
thinking patterns associated with trauma and using behavioural tools and
strategies to take back your life, see the world though a new lens, and get
back to the things that matter to you.
Are you feeling overwhelmed or not yourself in reaction to a
recent change or difficult situation?
Sometimes, we can face challenges that are either too much
at once or that seem too much to handle. This can be a change in our
professional life (a new boss, toxic work environment, etc.), in our personal
life (a divorce, an infidelity, etc.), or our health (a deterioration in health,
life-changing diagnosis, etc.). If your situation is difficult to handle, causes you
distress or negatively impacts your functioning, Cognitive behavioural therapy
(CBT) can help. It is a scientifically proven therapeutic method that can help
those struggling with Adjustment Disorder by changing the thoughts and
behaviours that occur in response to significant challenges, in order to
promote healthy thinking patterns and greater emotional wellness.
Burnout Do you find yourself overwhelmed, emotionally drained and
unable to cope and meet daily demands? Burnout is not a diagnosis per se, but it is common for
those who experience burnout to experience some symptoms of anxiety and
depression, such as worry and diminished motivation and pleasure, following a
period of excessive chronic stress. If you are experiencing this, Cognitive
behavioural therapy (CBT) can help. CBT is a scientifically proven therapeutic
method that can give you the tools to effectively manage your symptoms so that
you can stop stressing, recharge and get back to living.
Low self-esteem Do you struggle with negative self-talk and a low sense of
self-worth? Do you tend to be overly critical of yourself and frequently
compare yourself to others? Low self-esteem can negatively impact the everyday lives of
those who struggle with it and keep them from reaching their full potential.
Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) is a scientifically proven therapeutic
method that can help those struggling with low self-esteem by changing the
thoughts and behaviours involved in order to decrease negative self-talk,
increase self-worth, as well as to promote healthy thinking patterns and
greater emotional wellness.
Insomnia Is sleep on your mind a lot? Do you worry about not being
able to sleep well and its impact on your daytime functioning and mood? Have
you tried a host of things said to promote sleep, but still cannot sleep well?
You’re not alone; statistics show that 30-45% of adults
complain of poor sleep in any given year. The good news is that Cognitive
behavioural therapy (CBT) can help. CBT for insomnia, or CBT-i, is an effective
and evidence-based treatment that can help those struggling with insomnia to
sleep more and sleep better by using cognitive behavioural tools to change
thoughts around sleep, reduce sleep-related rumination, promote sleep hygiene
and reset your sleep pattern to help you reclaim peaceful nights.
Are you struggling with grief? Do you need help navigating
the complicated emotions that can surface during the grieving process?
Whether it’s due to the passing of a loved one, a
miscarriage, the end of a relationship or loss of pet who was very much part of
the family, we all experience grief in our lifetimes. While grieving is a
normal process, it can be very difficult and having support can be key. In
certain cases, especially when complicating factors are present, grief can
become prolonged or not easily surmountable without professional help. We are here to accompany you and provide the help that you
need, so that you do not need to go through this alone. Cognitive behavioural
therapy (CBT) can help those dealing with grief to process the loss, manage strong
emotions in a healthy way and find joy in life again.
Would you like to improve your communication skills? Do you have difficulty handling conflicts or a fear of intimacy? Do you notice unhealthy patterns in your interpersonal relationships? Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) is a scientifically proven and evidence based therapeutic method that can help improve social skills and interpersonal communication as well as uncovering and changing the cognitive structures and behaviours that maintain unhealthy patterns in relationships.
Contact us today to find out more and set up a first appointment.
Do you find yourself mindlessly pulling on your skin and hair? Do you find it hard to stop? Has this caused embarrassment for you or concerns you because you are damaging your skin or hair (or fear an infection)?
Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) is a scientifically proven therapeutic method that can help change those behaviours. Through habit reversal and decoupling techniques, we can help you stop the habit and regain healthy skin and/or hair.
Contact us today to find out more and set up a first appointment.
Procrastination and ADHD Is procrastination impacting your performance of important
tasks and preventing you from achieving your goals?
Procrastination can impact us all at some point; however, it
can be a chronic issue and can impair performance, which can reduce quality of
life or self-esteem. Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) is a scientifically
proven therapeutic method that can help those struggling with procrastination
by changing erroneous or limiting thoughts and beliefs as well as providing
concrete behavioural tools to overcome procrastination and get things done.
Sometimes procrastination can occur in the context of ADHD,
with other symptoms such as inattention, impulsivity and/or hyperactivity. CBT can help to best navigate the challenges of ADHD.
At the
Emotional Health CBT Clinic, we genuinely care about providing you with the
best experience possible and helping you feel supported. We always welcome your
feedback! If you are having a lovely experience, please let us know! If you
have any concern or question, we would be grateful for you to give us a chance
to answer your question and to make it right. We can assure you that we will do
our very best to exceed your expectations.